Storage Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) constitute a legally binding agreement between you (“Client” or “You”) and Ben Moves Brisbane (“BMB,” “We,” or “Us”), a Brisbane-based furniture removal company offering storage services for commercial and residential needs. By engaging our services, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1. Storage Services:

1.1 BMB provides storage facilities for commercial and residential items.
1.2 All items must be inventoried and a condition report compiled during both the entry and exit from storage for insurance to apply.
1.3 BMB is not responsible for any items that are not properly prepared, packed, or labeled by the Client. Such items are not covered by insurance.

2. Insurance and Claims:

2.1 BMB provides insurance coverage for stored items, subject to the terms outlined in this Agreement.
2.2 In the event of any claim, the Client agrees to pay an excess fee of $400.
2.3 The maximum payout for consignments is $10,000, unless specifically discussed and agreed upon prior to storing.
2.4 The maximum payout per item is $100, unless agreed upon in writing before storing.

3. Payment and Schedule:

3.1 Payment for services rendered by BMB shall be made according to the agreed schedule.
3.2 If payment is not made as per the agreed schedule, BMB reserves the right to hold the consignment until full payment is received.

4. Termination and Rate Changes:

4.1 BMB reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time, with or without cause.
4.2 BMB reserves the right to increase storage rates at any time. Clients will be provided with reasonable(30 days) notice of any rate changes.

5. Consignment Access:

5.1 Access to consignments in storage requires a minimum 48-hour notice.
5.2 BMB shall not be liable for any delays or inability to access consignments due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
5.3 72 hours notice is required for access to consignment

6. Staff Assistance:

6.1 Should the Client require BMB staff to dismantle or stack items, an hourly rate of $99.00 will be charged for such services.

7. Payment Terms:

7.1 Payment for storage services is charged on a daily basis, based on a 30-day month.
7.2 Payment is to be made on a pre agreed schedule.
7.3 Any storage term less than 30 days is to be paid up front in full.
7.4 Minimum 30 days up front payment for anything longer than 30 days. To be paid monthly.

8. Prohibited Items:

8.1 No flammable, dangerous or illegal goods are permitted to be stored with BMB. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure compliance with this restriction.

9. Acts of God:

9.1 BMB shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or delay caused by acts of God, including but not limited to storms, flooding, earthquakes, or other natural disasters. Such events are not covered by any insurance.

By engaging our services, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the above Terms and Conditions.